Hi All,


I just received word from my endocrinologist this morning that I have
antibodies in my blood that's attacking my thyroid. He stated: autoimmune
thyroid disease. At this point in time we're not sure whether I have Graves
disease or Hashimoto's because my numbers (T3, T4 etc.) have been up and
down within the last several months (and several blood tests). We're waiting
for 6-7 weeks to go by to test again with my not taking any supplements
(including Lugol's and kelp which he believes may be the culprit as far as
going back and forth).


Needless to say, I'm concerned as the last thing I'll do is have my thyroid
removed - but he also mentioned that my body just might do it on its own
anyway. So, has anybody had any experience in this at all?


Currently I'm on an MMS1 protocol of 15 drops - 2x a day (I felt that my
body needed cleansing as I'm quite sure I've had rampant Candida). I also
have been taking some oregano oil and EIS for a sore throat which is just
about gone now. I do take EIS everyday ( an ounce or two "just because").
Has anybody had any positive results with using MMS1 and "fixing" their
thyroid autoimmunity problem?!!??!?! Should I add MMS2??!?!?!


Please, I'd like very much if anybody can tell me if there's a way that I
can get my thyroid to function properly and get rid of these antibodies. The
Dr. said that IF it were to happen it would take months (and the tests are
extremely expensive and insurance will cover the 1st one but may raise
questions down the road) to see any difference. I'm a member of the Iodine
group and also the Stop the Thyroid Madness which really focuses on
hypothyroid (and at this point I'm hyperthyroid).


ANY feedback would be greatly appreciated as I'm quite concerned!


Thank you!

