Hi Lisa, I just thought I'd mention again that Mercola recommends
iodine supplementation for thyroid but is definitely against using
Lugols. He actually stated that it could make thyroid problems
worse. He says SSKI is the one to use. dee
On 2 Nov 2009, at 15:07, Lisa wrote:
Hi All,
I just received word from my endocrinologist this morning that I
have antibodies in my blood that’s attacking my thyroid. He stated:
autoimmune thyroid disease. At this point in time we’re not sure
whether I have Graves disease or Hashimoto’s because my numbers (T3,
T4 etc.) have been up and down within the last several months (and
several blood tests). We’re waiting for 6-7 weeks to go by to test
again with my not taking any supplements (including Lugol’s and kelp
which he believes may be the culprit as far as going back and forth).