Try tea tre oil, or clove oil.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Del 
  Sent: Monday, November 02, 2009 3:08 PM
  Subject: CS>Toenail fungus


  I have had toenail fungus for most of my life on my left big toe.  
  I have tried many things to get rid of it, but nothing worked.
  Recently, I realized that the fungus was spreading to my other left toes.
  I did more research and decided to try a combination of two parts DMSO with 8 
parts SSKI.
  I have been saturating all my left toenails with this twice a day for a few 
weeks now (maybe 5 weeks).
  Suddenly, it looks like some of the smaller nails are getting ready to break 
  Actually, I consider this a positive development, since I never got any 
reaction from anything I tried before.
  The literature that recommended this treatment said the you should cut back 
the nails as they died until nothing was left anyway.
  I am also taking olive leaf and oregano oil internally to attack from within 
in addition to the external treatment.
  Has anyone on the list beaten toenail fungus and, if so, what was the process 
  How will I know if I have finally succeeded?  When a new, healthy nail grows 
in, I suppose?
