Please stop.

On Fri, Nov 6, 2009 at 1:01 AM, Malcolm <> wrote:
> " ... so I won't discuss it further -- except to say that it's a relief
> to me to not have to read her negative-ness on a daily basis. MA"
> Or: 'I won't discuss it further, except to discuss it further'  And
> further, and further . . .
> " ... The shame is that she just couldn't convey her opinions without
> rudeness and condescension."
> And you?  You were both rude and condescending from the get, and I
> called you on it then.
> On Thu, 2009-11-05 at 13:40 -0800, MaryAnn Helland wrote:
>> Well Malcolm,
>> You're exactly who I expected to object to my post.
> Yup.  After two days of them, you betcha!
> "Praise"??  "exactly"??  "Tried to"??  "Once AGAIN"??  How many times is
> that?  Ah, yes; I remember now from the 'chicken squawk posts', the
> long-suffering, patient, but finally driven - forced - to mild
> remonstrance MaryAnn.
> The words with quotes above are not direct, not honest in any real sense
> and neither forthright nor called for in the context.  Perhaps it's just
> a natural - if unrecognized - rhetorical talent in your speech?
> Perhaps not.
>> And once again, you praise Indi for exactly what you tried to
>> criticize in my post.  My remarks were direct, honest and forthright.
>> Nothing sideways about it.
> Please understand I do NOT object to your distaste for Indi or for her
> posts and expressed opinions, that is between the two of you.  But if
> you can't see the nature and effect of your word usage . . . . .  well,
> you can't; or maybe it's just too tempting, and "the debbil makes you do
> it"??
>> Got it?
> Shore; hey, sauce for the goose is indeed sauce for the gander;  point
> for the dark side.  <g>
>> MA
> How 'bout moving this off topic (OS) or off list, the main question has
> been answered more than adequately; the rest is just frosting.
> Malcolm
>> ______________________________________________________________________
>> From: Malcolm <>
>> To:
>> Sent: Thu, November 5, 2009 2:01:29 PM
>> Subject: Re: CS>Indi
>> Well, MaryAnn,
>> I think Mark Antony did something obversely similar when he opened his
>> oration in the play by Shakespeare:
>> "I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him." and proceeded to castigate
>> Brutus and the senate for assassinating Caesar on the senate floor.
>> One thing you could say in favor of Indi's behavior - she was direct,
>> honest and forthright in expressing herself; no sideways little digs.
>> Got it?
>> Malcolm
>> On Thu, 2009-11-05 at 06:13 -0800, MaryAnn Helland wrote:
>> > She certainly is.  The shame is that she just couldn't convey her
>> > opinions without rudeness and condescension.  I realize that there
>> are
>> > a couple of people on this list who will object to my opinion on
>> this
>> > topic -- so I won't discuss it further -- except to say that it's a
>> > relief to me to not have to read her negative-ness on a daily basis.
>> > MA
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> ______________________________________________________________________
>> > From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick <>
>> > To:
>> > Sent: Thu, November 5, 2009 3:57:17 AM
>> > Subject: Re: CS>Indi
>> >
>> > Oh what a shame, she is a very knowledgeable person.  dee
>> >
>> > On 4 Nov 2009, at 20:16, MaryAnn Helland wrote:
>> >
>> > > Dee -- Indi voluntarily left the list several months ago -- rather
>> > > than comply with Mike's request to *play nice*.  MA
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> ____________________________________________________________________
>> >
>> >
>> --
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Alan Jones