Thanks for your reply..I take 6-800mg's of Magnesium with calcium when I go to 
bed at night and in the morning I spray my inner arms with Mg oil before I go 
to work...wonder what gives...debbie

From: Garnet <>
Sent: Fri, November 6, 2009 5:01:41 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Strange question

Muscle spasms can be a symptoms of Magnesium deficiency.

Try taking Magnesium, an easy way is to use Milk of Magnesia, small
amounts will be absorbed if you are deficient and not cause the laxative
effect. Spread it out over the day or use at the end of the day. MOM is
rapidly absorbed.

There are many food sources of Mg like almonds, cashews, peanuts,
dark leafy greens, dark chocolate.

There are topical Mg "Oils", that are not really oils, but concentrated
sea water. They are costly but they can be applied topically to the

Best way to get Mg is in your food. At the end of the day your muscles
may be fatigued and more prone to spasm.

Full spectrum bulbs would be nice, and although costly they last many
times longer than ordinary fluorescents and would increase worker
productivity. Maybe they would go for it? 6,000 kelvin is the
rating to look for. Not just Grow Lights for plants.



Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN

Deborah Gerard wrote:
> This is bizarre problem...I have a problem with florescent lights in our 
> breakroom at work...they don't bother me before work it is when I am almost 
> done at night and I sit there for about twenty minutes and I get spasms in my 
> neck that are unreal...anyone have any info on such a problem...I do try to 
> stay out of the room as much as possible and am not there for eight hours 
> during my shift,
> thanks much,
> debbie

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