Probably in the belief that heat destroys the enzymes in the honey.  Since
most honey, even raw honey, is extracted with SOME heat--and store honey
with high heat--putting it into a hot cup of tea is not going to hurt it
anymore than it already is.  Unless you are putting it into boiling hot tea.

If you have a beekeeper in your area, and can get totally unheated honey,
then you may want to keep the honey out of the cup until the temp gets below
 I think it is, 100 degrees.  

Most keepers warm the honey so that it flows better, so they can strain it
from the comb and bottle it.  A few small keepers will simply spin extract
the honey from the comb and bottle, using no heat at all.  This is truly raw
honey.  But most of what you get even in health food stores have been warmed
 supposedly keeping it under a certain temp so that it can still be
considered raw.


-------Original Message-------
Slightly off topic, but I was told by the proprietor of a health food store
that raw honey should never be consumed with hot liquids ie, tea.  Is this
true?  And why not????