Hello all,

As is to be expected, we are revisiting questions discussed in
the past, all be it with new angles and uncommon intelligence.
The essentials are the same, however.
How many volts, how many mAmps, how long, what concentration, how
much to take.
New investigators are paying their dues :-)

Because of the large number of variables one set of parameters
does not relate easily to another. It is pointless to  attempt to
define the numbers for a system that simply has two electrodes
draped over the side of a glass. To have any meaning, the
generating container and electrode configuration must be defined.
To this end, I have posted the design of probably the simplest
generator possible, complete with generating configuration. Using
this, and assuming the quality of the distilled water is similar
(can be confirmed if DMM available), then a predictable outcome
is possible.

The simplest generator, that will produce quality CS with no fall
out or build up that does not require current limiting, is a 9
volt AC adaptor, a single 9 volt or 12 volt battery, or two 9
volt batteries.

I am happy to provide times of generation for different voltages
vs ppm, but this will only relate to the electrode configuration
of my earlier post, and assumes the use of distilled water of a
similar quality to that which I use.

Regards - Ivan

----- Original Message -----
From: Victoria Welch <vi...@oz.net>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Saturday, 28 August 1999 11:27
Subject: Re: CS>Making CS

> G'Day Bob :-),
> >    Perhaps you can come up with a standard procedure for
making CS in a
> > simple easy to follow uncomplicated way.
> Well, this is something I have seen a LOT of out there, mostly
> commercial machines.  I am sure these people have made some
effort in
> the matter to do just this.  The more unknowns the more random
the PPM.
> Perhaps with their testing to determine these things, we can
> (!??!?!) that is the reason that the devices that they sell are
> rather than $10 for the three batteries, jumper clips and
silver wire
> :-).  I haven't purchased any of them, I'm using the $10
approach and
> bitching about having no idea of what I am producing (although
> certainly seems like good stuff(TM:) :-).  However, not all of
those in
> need have $60+ to spend, there have been times in my life when
$60 was a
> fantastic amount of $$$$.  So I do think that this line of
research does
> have merit...
>>big snip<<

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