
Fast fingers...slow brain:)  These are a combination of saliva and blood spot panels:)  They go to ZRT Laboratories...but they are still OTC:)  Sorry for the mislead.


jessie70 wrote:
Craig where do you get OTC saliva testing for thyroid? I've only heard of blood or urine. Jess
-----Original Message-----
From: Craig Chamberlin []
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 9:07 PM
Subject: Re: CS>OT Mental Clarity

Hi Jeff,

You may also want to get on the iodine list at of what you are describing "could" be attributed to hypothyroid, iodine deficiency, etc.  It is a bit overwhelming, but filled with information about how to get OTC testing (saliva) and what taking Iodoral (Lugol's in the form of a tablet)

It has worked for me, as has the alkalizing water from an ionizing water filter, which Marshall has detailed in a previous message.

Also may want to check the side effects of Crestor:)

Good luck,


Jeff Maahs wrote:
Thank you all for the information. I'm starting to go through it now.

More information: What I mean is ability to focus. Usually I'll have trouble concentrating on something I'm reading, like my screen at work while programming. Other times it might be a book or long email.

I'm 48. Stopped smoking 5 years ago and gained weight. I've told the doctor maybe it's the crestor and he says its not enough blood to the brain cause I'm fat. (Yeah he tells it like it is so I stay with him.)

I've been taking Ginko (~120 mg/day) and Omega 3 along with some other supplements.

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