Well, most of the responses so far are about supplements and exercise, which 
are very important for overall mental health.
But a great help to me at times for concentration and creativity are the 
following CD's, which use binaural beat technology to enhance both 
concentration and creativity:

For my money, Jeffrey Thompson is far and away the best creator of healing 
soundtracks (the Brainwave Massage disk).  If you are interested a a soundtrack 
that helps you sleep, I love the following:

These are all CD's but if you have an Ipod you can usually purchase an MP3 
download for half the cd price.
These must be listened to on headphones because they feed different beats into 
each ear to achieve the desired brainwave effect.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jeff Maahs 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 8:51 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>OT Mental Clarity

  Thank you all for the information. I'm starting to go through it now.

  More information: What I mean is ability to focus. Usually I'll have trouble 
concentrating on something I'm reading, like my screen at work while 
programming. Other times it might be a book or long email.

  I'm 48. Stopped smoking 5 years ago and gained weight. I've told the doctor 
maybe it's the crestor and he says its not enough blood to the brain cause I'm 
fat. (Yeah he tells it like it is so I stay with him.)

  I've been taking Ginko (~120 mg/day) and Omega 3 along with some other 

  From: "Norton, Steve" <stephen.nor...@ngc.com>
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Sent: Mon, December 14, 2009 5:50:32 PM
  Subject: RE: CS>OT Mental Clarity

  It depends on what you mean by helping mental clarity. Is it mental tiredness 
or something more like memory loss?