Great results!!  How much CS and EIS is he taking for a daily dose?

Carlene Yasak On 12/18/09 8:40 PM, "Carlene Yasak" <>

> Some of you may remember that in September I reported the results of two blood
> tests for someone who complained of lingering flu symptoms over a period of
> one month. This person had previously tested positive for HIV. A first blood
> test in August 2009 showed a viral load of 300,000 per million which was not
> encouraging. He therefore began taking CS with 5 percent DMSO several times a
> day.  Six weeks later, a second blood test showed that the viral load was down
> to 90,000 per million.  Based on this result, he required no medication and
> the number of doses of CS per day were reduced to three (the size of a shot
> glass) which he took only in the evening. Two months later (early in
> December), as a precautionary measure, a third blood test was done. It showed
> a viral count of 15,000 per million for this person. This corresponds to
> better than average immune response. He is no longer considered at risk for
> viral infection. He now takes one maintenance dose of CS/EIS daily and will
> continue to do so. He also drinks fruit kefir every day. BTW, he feels great.
> Carlene

Gwlynda Irek
Country Ridge Bulldogs

Bulldog Club of America ­ Preferred Breeder
Lone Star Bulldog Club
North Texas Non Sporting

"A little faith will bring your soul to heaven, but a lot of faith will
bring heaven to your soul".