My experience with flu shots is really hard to figure out whether it did 
anything for me or not.  I never had any reactions or downside to them though, 
so my attitude has been accepting

Now that I am taking CS/EIS I am disinclined to have further vaccinations.    
I'm optimistic about the benefits, but having only been on it for a couple 
weeks now makes it difficult for me to give convincing testimonials.

i have a diabetic friend to whom I gave a pint of the stuff to.  There was some 
particulate matter in my home-made brew and I filtered it out using a coffee 
filter.  Now I know better than to do that again without a serious flushing of 
the filter with distilled water.  Apparently coffee filters are treated with 
minerals that can combine with the silver water in unexpected ways.  I do 
notice my SilverGen water tastes better than the home-brew batches I had made.  
So I'm sticking with that from now on.  

My poor friend, ingested some and told me that it burned going down and asked 
if that was 'normal.'   She suffered from the burning for two or three days 
which was very alarming to me.   I told her to throw out the remainder.  Today 
she tells me that she didn't throw it out and has been applying it to various 
sores she has.  She has very thin skin and sores and cuts etc. have been a 
problem for her.   She tells me that the CS I gave her has really helped heal 
her skin and she is very happy with that.

We are going to try her again with ingestion of CS when I get some 'good' stuff 
to her.


Steve G.

--- On Sat, 12/19/09, Richard Goodwin <> wrote:

From: Richard Goodwin <>
Subject: Re: CS>Blood test shows CS continues to bring viral load down
Date: Saturday, December 19, 2009, 12:04 PM

My wife and I have taken a swallow or two of eis for 3 years now, and have had 
no colds, flu, or flu shots in that time.  Before that we had several colds 
each winter, and flu shots, which seemed to keep the flu away but produced 
symptoms of their own.

Once in a while we feel like we might be coming down with something, like 
yesterday when my wife said she had a slight sore throat in the morning.  After 
spraying her face, nose, throat with eis, and drinking some extra, it was gone 
by noon, and she felt fine.  This is also my experience, perhaps once a winter 
if that.

Awesome stuff, this silver.
