I am now taking CMO for about the fourth time. Luckily I still have some $8 
 a bottle CMO left from Puritan Pride. My knee joint started hurting and I 
nearly  needed to use crutches. X-Rays in the late 1960's showed bone on 
bone for my  knee joints and my Dr said I would need to have surgery within 10 
years. Nearly  50 years later still no surgery.
I used Can-C when a piece of my cataract missed during cataract lens  
replacement covered my artificial lens and nearly shut off my vision. My Dr 
nothing he could do, you have to live with it. I bought six bottles of  
Can-C from a Dr in the UK and the cataract piece was gone during the first 
week.  I finished all six bottles as the UK Dr said to even use 12 bottles.
I used to clear cataracts with linseed oil from my local paint store. Every 
 time I tried linseed oil it cleared the cataract. The cataracts would  
return. I still needed to wear glasses as I was still near sighted. Several of  
my cousins had their cataract surgery which corrected the cataract and 
their  vision. Medicare paid for the surgery besides. So I gave in and had the 
surgery.  I understand that a film still forms on the artificial lens within 
5 years after  surgery. My Dr said he could burn holes in the film with his 
laser and restore  good vision. After starting on this list I switched from 
linseed oil  to flaxseed oil from the health store. Really couldn't tell any 