Interesting about the ants. To use them in a tonic would you need to gut
and clean them first? Now where is the comic book with the ant farm
advertisement? :-)

The Chinese may have discovered it hundreds of years ago but there is a
patent on it with South American ants:

>From the patent;
"This invention relates in general to a composition and method for
relieving the symptoms of such auto-immune ailments as rheumatoid
arthritis or asthma and, more particularly, to a composition that can be
injected into a person who suffers from such with the result that,
without apparent significant side effects, there is material and
significant remission of symptoms. The nature of rheumatoid arthritis
and asthma are such that one familiar with them would be led to conclude
that other auto-immune ailments which also involve symptomatic
inflammation of tissues will also respond to treatment according to the
present invention: multiple sclerosis (nerve tissue), lupus
erythematosus (kidneys), sclerodermata (skin), arteritis, and other
somewhat rare ailments classified as connective tissue diseases, or
immune complex diseases."

The bee info is also very interesting. I will be looking more into both
of them. Thanks.

 - Steve N

-----Original Message-----
From: Rowena [] 
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2009 7:21 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Spinal Arthritis

 You could google arthritis and ants or bees.  Very interesting 
information out there.

Several varieties of ants are used in Chinese Tonic herbalism, all with 
virtually the same attributes. These different varieties come from 
different regions in China. Each region claims that its ants are 
superior. Both black ants (primarily from southern and central China) 
and red ants (primarily from northeastern China) are used. Ants from 
high, pristine mountain ranges such as the Himalayas in southern China 
and Tibet, or the Changbai Mountains in northeastern China are 
considered the finest and most potent. Most of the tonic ants are large 

A primary concern in using ant as a tonic supplement is that the ants or

ant product is from a reputable company that specializes in ant tonic 
preparation. The ants must be collected from, or raised in, a pure, 
pristine environment. Certainly, using ants that have been exposed to 
Raid is not a good idea. In other words, it is not a good idea to try 
collecting your own from the basement or back yard. The ants used in 
Chinese Tonic supplements are raised in sealed ant farms and are 
absolutely chemical free. Ant is rare in raw form in the United States, 
but is extremely valuable if you can obtain it. It should be light in 
weight, dark and consistent in color, and fluffy, with no obvious 
impurities, degradation or discoloration. Most sources of ant as a tonic

supplement will be ant products made by a number of ant specialty houses

out of China. Ant tonics come in both capsules and oral liquid elixirs. 
At this writing all the ant products I have tested have been excellent 
and have met my every expectation. The ant industry is extremely heavily

regulated in China and there is no indication that less than quality ant

products are now being produced in mainland China.

Ant has a bipolar (double-direction) immuno-regulatory activity. It thus

fortifies a weakened immune system and modifies an overactive immune 
system. Ant can have a very beneficial effect on autoimmune disorders 
such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gouty arthritis, 
alkolyzing spondylitis, scleroderma, psoriasis, and some studies 
indicate significant tumor reducing effects when ant is consumed in 
therapeutic dosages.

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