Thanks. It is very interesting. I have sent the link to several family members. 
 - Steve N 

----- Original Message -----
From: Brooks Bradley <>
To: <>
Sent: Sun Jan 03 17:03:47 2010
Subject: CS>YouTube - LDN 2008 Dr Burt Berkson Best of part 1

                                           I believe many on the list
will find this video series by Dr. Burt Berkson to be most informative
and useful.  Dr. Berkson has demonstrated to be the leading
investigator  on the effects of Alpha Lipoic Acid  (ALA) as
the principal , EFFECTIVE,  address for a majority of the known liver
insults of chemical and pathogenic origin.  This video highlights the
increased benefit of combining Low Dose Naltrexone  (LDN) with
ALA.......for certain cancer ionsults.
                                          This is the researcher who,
SINGLE-HANDED,  uncovered the near-miraculous effects of ALA for
controlling/abating the toxic effects of poisonous  mushrooms
(particularly,  the Deathcap Amanita).

                     Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.

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