This is not Brooks, but I have a comment.
I have experimented with the Vita Mix using the dry container meant for
shattering seeds and making powder such as flour for bread.  The apparent
encapsulation seemed at least 10 times better than the ultrasonic cleaner.
I was reluctant to recommend this to folks since the Vita Mix sells for $800
In looking for an inexpensive method I tried several hand blenders and found
great results using a Wal-Mart $29 Oster hand blender with stainless steel
parts.  This actually produces better results than the Vita Mix.  I can
detect no separation even after more than a week.  I use a 32 ounce wide
mouth Mason jar with a 1/4 inch diameter oak dowel cut to just fit in the
bottom of the jar.  This spaces the blender higher and helps to circulate
and mix the contents rather than just spinning in circles as you would see
in a blender.
I gag on the soy lecethin so Carol researched and found Sunflower Lecithin
which tastes and smell lots better. .
If anyone has any questions please email me at I seldom
read this list anymore and just happend to see this.
Jim Meissner  


From: [] 
Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2010 11:55 AM
Subject: CS>Lipo-C, homemade, question for Brooks Bradley

My wife and I have had a lot of success making and taking our own Lipo-C by
your methods and thank you very much for all the work you do and post here.
I understand that you have mostly nixed the idea of using common kitchen
blenders for this purpose but I wonder if the same opinion extends to very
high speed blenders such as the Vita Mix?
I recently purchased a nearly unused 30 year old Vita Mix 3600 for $10 in a
thrift store. It would please me no end to be able to utilize it in this
fashion and pass my ultrasonic cleaner on to our youngest daughter, with
Lyme, at college.
Thanks, DaddyBob