This boy doesn't trust his own mind.  Kind of young to "stand-up" and be


On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 7:15 AM, Annie B Smythe <>wrote:

> I've observed this on every group I've ever been in online and elsewhere.
> This is one of the few lists I've seen where people really freely discuss
> and disagree. I really appreciate this group:) Even when we don't agree:D
> Kudos to all of you for being independent thinkers:)
> This is a truly amazing thing to watch. And it's short, only five minutes
> or so. Man they'd have had problems with their experiment if it was me. OMG,
> I'd have said what I thought and stood by it come hell or high water. Maybe
> that's the reason I've never been chosen for jury duty, LOL. I've always
> been the non conformist, sigh.
> Perhaps this is why so many people won't try anything outside of
> traditional medicine, including CS. Truly sheeple. Follow the herd, don't
> stand out. Crowd mentality. Makes me want to gack really. It gives me the
> willies.
> Annie
> --
> If we could sell our experiences for what they cost us, we'd all be
> millionaires. Abigail Van Buren
> --
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