Off topic and yet very interesting.  I heard a rumor from a friend of a friend 
who worked for Derren Brown.  He explained to me how through a system of tiny 
hidden optical cameras, and earphone communication and signals, Derren Brown 
can appear to be a magician.

I also studied the basis of Derren Brown's skill - something called Neuro 
Linguistic programming. I studied with the guy who created it.

Much of what I learned and haven't always put into action, is that the mind has 
the ability to control the physical from temperature reduction to healing.. yet 
it requires a serious re-programming of habitual neuralapathways.

So in answer to your question about how come people can't.. well some of them 
just can't.. we are not all equal in our abilities.. Our whole approach is the 
result of a mingling of parental, religious, societal waves of belief that have 
swept over us... and direct what data we sort for and how we filter the data 
that comes in.

I think part of this whole healing thing is belief. Every thought we have 
affects our physical..emotions are literally energy shifts caused by 
physiological change in our bodies caused by thoughts that lead us to make 
associations.. and stir up the automatic instincts, fight, flight, freeze and a 
moving towards what works or moving away from a problem..

So whilst CS is a wonderful product because I beleive in it, it might be that 
for osmeone else, itwill have no effect because their physical cellular 
structure is being affected by their thoughts... 

Let us be patient with those who do not get as much as we do, just as I hope 
that you all will be patient with me when I am naive and unknowing.. and hold 
the space for all of us to emerge.. 

with love
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human consciousness WHAT has to happen for us to evolve and emerge? 

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From: Annie B Smythe <>
Sent: Tue, January 12, 2010 10:26:33 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Very interesting, and true

I first read about the Milgrem experiment about seven years ago, and it sent 
chills down my spine. There's no way I would have or with any conscience could 
have continued to shock people like that no matter who was telling me it was 
OK. That comes right down to a person's character and using their own mind. The 
results of that experiment still gives me chills. What is wrong with people 
that they can't/won't or don't use their own brains?

If we could sell our experiences for what they cost us, we'd all be 
Abigail Van Buren

Ode Coyote wrote:
>  If you ever get a chance to watch Derren Brown in action, do it and doubt 
>your senses [Mind Control with Derren Brown]
> There are those that STUDY this stuff and most that absolutely believe such 
> things are impossible [called suckers ]
> But you can be fooled even when you know you are being fooled.
> Ode
> At 06:15 AM 1/11/2010 -0600, you wrote:
>> I've observed this on every group I've ever been in online and elsewhere. 
>> This is one of the few lists I've seen where people really freely discuss 
>> and disagree. I really appreciate this group:) Even when we don't agree:D 
>> Kudos to all of you for being independent thinkers:)
>> This is a truly amazing thing to watch. And it's short, only five minutes or 
>> so. Man they'd have had problems with their experiment if it was me. OMG, 
>> I'd have said what I thought and stood by it come hell or high water. Maybe 
>> that's the reason I've never been chosen for jury duty, LOL. I've always 
>> been the non conformist, sigh.
>> Perhaps this is why so many people won't try anything outside of traditional 
>> medicine, including CS. Truly sheeple. Follow the herd, don't stand out. 
>> Crowd mentality. Makes me want to gack really. It gives me the willies.
>> Annie
>> -- If we could sell our experiences for what they cost us, we'd all be 
>> millionaires. Abigail Van Buren
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