My daughter, my wife and I all have developed the gray moons. None of use use alcohol or illegal drugs or anything else out of the ordinary. We all developed them at the same time, when I switched from 5 ppm CS to 20 ppm CS. The darkness of the moons is proportional to the amount of CS ingested by each of us. Once we stopped taking CS daily, the progression of the moons stopped for each of us. The 5 ppm CS was made by the HVAC method, the 20 by the LVDC method. The LVDC used distilled water, less than 1 mA per square inch of anode, stirring and polarity switching. It is pretty well what most here are making, although likely a higher ppm than most. Also the moons are not blue, they are really slate gray, and the only thing I can find that slate gray moons indicate is silver accumulation.


Neville Munn wrote:
[When someone says they drank colloidal silver and got blue moons, I don't accept it at face value...] -I attempted to find out more about this blue moon business many 'moons' ago and gave it away as a bad joke cos of all the stuff being used/abused/ingested/applied/popped/consumed/supplemented/snorted etc etc in conjuction with CS {I remain unconvinced EIS is the sole cause, let alone any other outside influences which may be a contributing factor}. I gave up as quick as I started cos there is no way I could isolate EIS as being the root cause, even though those who contributed may have been well meaning in their input. There are a multitude of machines of varying configurations used in producing EIS around the world and ALL will produce something slightly different, ancillary equipment incorporated in that production process, as well as inumerable variables, will contribute to something different also {my opinion and I'm sticking to it}. An individuals methods and procedures for producing EIS, plus numerous other factors known only to that individual, *may?* contribute to some side effects but does not necessarily mean that said side effect/s should be generally accepted as a recognised outcome, or the 'norm' where EIS is concerned. EIS is a little more complex than that in my opinion. Not being a high academic achiever or published researcher I have no substance therefore I choose to remain one of those who won't run with the mob...Only dead fish go with the flow. People will believe what they choose to believe and voice that belief, myself included. N.
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2010 16:04:28 -0800
Subject: Re: CS>Aluminum in your diet

How about, 'Any info that supports this claim?' My problem is that all kinds of people make all kinds of claims. If I believe someone just because they are fervent and are sincere I'll go around in circles because I hear and read things that conflict with each other.

My basic stance in life that if someone makes an unsubstantiated claim, I can dispute it without any substantiation for my position. If someone presents rationale, information from a study, then I must consider their rationale or study to see if it appears to be solid before I can dispute it.

There are some very fervent and sincere people on the internet pushing the notion that you can get 'silver poisoning.' I don't believe them. They have yet to provide meaningful support for their position. When someone says they drank colloidal silver and got blue moons, I don't accept it at face value. I need to know how their 'colloidal silver' was made or from whom it was acquired. I am open to the idea that perhaps someone can get blue moons from colloidal silver, but I want to know exactly how this happened so I can figure out what is going on and what I should do.

And on a final note, the credentials of the person making such claims isn't worth that much to me. They can be mistaken or have made poor assumptions just as easily as I can.

Steve G.

--- On *Wed, 1/13/10, sol /<>/* wrote:

    From: sol <>
    Subject: Re: CS>Aluminum in your diet
    Date: Wednesday, January 13, 2010, 10:49 AM

    At 01:50 PM 1/11/2010, you wrote:
> If you are a man don't eat anything cooked in stainless steel. It causes prostate to swell..
    Any info on why? My brother has been diagnosed with prostate
    cancer and I will pass this tidbit on.

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