Kathy Tankersley wrote:
I'm now getting an understand of CS, but still have some questions that I hope somone can answer. 1. My friend is taking and her family are taking CS 400 PPM ( on the bottle ) Accoring to the directions she cuts the dose down to 1/4 tsp instead of 1 tsp.
If it is 400 ppm, it isn't colloidal silver. It is probably mislabled MSP or silver citrate, both of which can cause argyria.
2. I see CS in Health Stores, 10, 20, 400, PPM. I'm still trying to comprend the differenct of the sizes of 10,20,
10 and 20 are good. Can't do better than that.
400 PPM.s
Not colloidal silver.

Thank you for your help, this list has helped me alot. Kathy

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