At 05:46 PM 1/27/2010, you wrote:
The blue moons started long before the skin discoloration,I would say about two years. Maybe three.

2.5 to about 3 years is the time I took large quantities of CS daily, but when I finally noticed the nails I cut way back and basically stopped taking any orally regularly. I believe but cannot prove that the time of high dosing did what I wanted it to do...........I had chronic candida and Epstein Barr, and do think I either got rid of them or at least put them in their place. I had terrible lactose intolerance (due to candida?) and that was cured and has never returned. I have never stopped using CS as mouthwash, and I still mist eyes/face/hands and inhale the mist several times a day when I am out in public running errands or shopping. I also use it topically as necessary. It is very rare for me to even try to catch anything, and I have not had one single instance of flu in the past 7 years. When I first started CS the first use was a tsp in my pet rabbit's drinking water, and it stopped his urine dribbling. I started using it as mouthwash, and within 2 weeks my teeth were no longer sensitive, and I had a comfortable dental cleaning--the first one that wasn't painful in 30 years. CS with DMSO added seems to have cured my husband's cold sores: he hasn't had an outbreak in years. My cats get straight CS as their drinking water. First about 1/2 CS in their water (balance being distilled water) stopped urinary tract problems in one cat totally. Then when she began to have asthma, I upped it to straight CS and she is now 6 months "overdue" for an attack. In any case I tend to credit CS as being the cause of her having had very few and widely spaced attacks. Our vet says the expected progression of feline asthma is increasingly severe attacks at shorter and shorter intervals.

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