
The only reason I don't take it daily is because it can kill of some of the
good bacteriaa in your/my intestines - even though I take digestive enzymes
and probiotics.  Maybe my thinking goes along the lines, also, that I don't
want to wear out the infection killing properties of silver like happens
with so many antibiotics.  I haven't taken any pharma antibiotics in 35
years, but I do know that there effectiveness can falter by overuse.  I
assume that you're aware of how antibiotics become useless when certain
bacteria learn "how to over-rule" them.  What do you think?


On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 6:25 PM, John E. Stevens <
jonellis.steven...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Whenever, if ever, my felines come down with any type of illness, they
> always get a dose of CSW administered by eye dropper.  I don't think the
> claws or paws have ever indicated any blue moons - and their fur color is
> unchanged...  No blueness....  Ha... ha...  One of my cats, Angel, had a
> serious infection where she drooled blood colored saliva onto the front of
> her beautiful coat.  I used CSW with her 3 - 4 times daily and Flor*Essence
> tea to detox her.  This illness went on for about three months as did her
> daily dosages of both and she's healed and back into good shape.  I
> published a children's book entitled: "Angel the Mischievous Cat" which is a
> delightfully humorous book for children ages 3 - 8.  It was released by the
> publisher, Publish America, on January 19th.  At publishamerica.com. under
> children's books.
> There you will see a very healthy Angel playing her tricks for youngsters.
> i have used CSW for years and do not have bluemoons or blue tinted flesh
> color.  I use it on burns, cuts, if ever I think I have a sore throat coming
> on, if ever sinus infections begin coming on, in my washer, on the counters,
> in the bathrooms, etc.,.  It's always stopped any infection dead in their
> tracks before they could ever take hold.  I haven't had a cold or any
> illness in years.  I don't use it daily, but sometimes gargle to kill off
> any bacteria and i soak my toothbrush in it.  For me, it's a miracle in a
> bottle - a glass bottle that is...  Ha... ha...
> It's my humble opinion that argyria can only happen if CSW is made
> incorrectly.
> John
> On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 6:01 PM, Richard Goodwin <
> dickgoodwin2...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> I could also care less if I turn gray or blue, at least a little, but
>> after almost 4 years of taking silver daily, a good swallow or two, or
>> several more if I feel like I'm coming down with something, I have not only
>> had no colds, flu or flu shots, but have also not even a hint of blue or
>> gray except a little bit in fingernail moons, and that only under
>> fluorescent lights.  Doesn't sound like a big deal to me.  I'd rather be
>> well than pink.
>> Dick
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* Dave Darrin <davedar...@gmail.com>
>> *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
>> *Sent:* Wed, January 27, 2010 4:42:29 PM
>> *Subject:* Re: CS>Anecdotal Evidence and CS
>> I suspect there are more with Argeria than will admit to it.
>> As to why we keep taking it is because we would rather be healthy--To hell
>> with the looks.
>> I'm to damn old to give a damn what I look like--Besides I already have an
>> excellent wife so I don't have to go chasing and she is all right with it.
>> Dave
>> On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 10:50 AM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick 
>> <d...@deetroy.org>wrote:
>>> I don't understand why.  Isn't argyria really rare?  How many of us are
>>> on this list, and how many have argyria?  It would be interesting to see the
>>> results, but I bet there aren't many!  And given people's fears, I know for
>>> certain that if I told the people I know who are taking EIS that they could
>>> get argyria, (even if they only take the smallest amount) then they
>>> *wouldn't* take it, and would lose out on all the benefits. I don't think
>>> its worth this for such a remote possibility, especially as argyria is not
>>> life threatening and reversible.  Also, I can't understand why if people
>>> start to get a tinge of colour, why they don't stop taking it?  dee
>>> On 27 Jan 2010, at 17:05, Norton, Steve wrote:
>>> When people use EIS, they don’t necessarily have the perfect lifestyle,
>>> diet, habitat, supplement consumption or the ideal physiological processes.
>>> To limit EIS usage to someone who does would probably exclude everyone on
>>> the planet. So EIS usage has to be considered in the context of “real life”
>>> people and not idealized conditions. It is my opinion that if ideal
>>> conditions are needed for EIS to not cause argyria, then EIS can cause
>>> argyria since those ideal conditions are unrealizable.
>>> In the vein of seeing a glass half full or half empty, you say that you
>>> have not seen any studies, etc. that conclusively demonstrates that EIS can
>>> cause argyria. On the other hand, I too have studied the literature and have
>>> not found anything that would substantiate why EIS, apparently alone of all
>>> forms of silver,  cannot cause argyria. I am aware of the passing of silver
>>> ions through the mucosal tissues. Mike Monnet estimates that at about 10% of
>>> the ionic content can be transported that way. If you swallow EIS, who knows
>>> what compound the ionic silver forms in the stomach? If the stomach is empty
>>> it is probably silver chloride but what if food is also present? Then what
>>> compounds are formed and transported into the blood?