Thanks sol.  I think this is what worries me really i.e. you take one thing and 
then this means you have to take something else etc., etc.,  I thought by 
taking just chlorella it would avoid this but I didn't feel well after a while. 
 I know that all these things can be toxic in the wrong doses, but the 
difficulty here is, how does one *know* what is the right dose?  I haven't had 
any blood work done at the docs as I just don't *go* to the docs so don't know 
what I could be lacking.  I just hope to prevent getting something ghastly as I 
get older, and as I say, I have been suffering from fatigue lately and my 
immune system doesn't seem so good.  Hence the shingles, tiredness and horrible 
cold.  dee
I would be grateful if you could post the link thanks.

On 29 Jan 2010, at 17:08, sol wrote:

> At 05:02 AM 1/29/2010, you wrote:
>> I have nascent iodine Dave, and have taken it occasionally.  As always, I am 
>> wary of taking things because of imbalancing, but I do suffer from this 
>> fatigue lately of which you speak, and I have been taking lots of Vit C.  
>> Maybe if I take some iodine in between taking the Vit C as you suggested?  
>> How much iodine do you take at a time, and do you take it in distilled 
>> water?  thanks a lot.  dee
> Are you also supplementing selenium? I just read a very interesting article 
> about selenium, iodine, and the thyroid. 
> Supplementing iodine or selenium alone leads to increase in thyroid problems. 
> The article may even have been posted here, if not and you want it, I can 
> post the link.
> sol