What is his theory?
- Steve N


From: Neville Munn <one.red...@hotmail.com> 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com <silver-list@eskimo.com> 
Sent: Sat Jan 30 17:15:45 2010
Subject: RE: CS>WHY EIS is less likely to cause Argyria! 

Steve, I meant to thank you for those questions you put on here a couple days 
Don't know if you've read Stuart Thompson's hypothesis regarding stomack acid 
and silver, unfortunately the whole story is unavailable, but what little 
remains available in the public domain of a discussion on the subject is a very 
good teaser, but at this point in time, given the limited information 
available, I believe I'm running with his theory.


Subject: Re: CS>WHY EIS is less likely to cause Argyria!
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 2010 14:24:28 -0600
From: stephen.nor...@ngc.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com

[That EIS forms silver chloride in the stomach is considered argumentative by 
some but I think it is clearly the case. ]


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