Also, it would be good to do a parasite cleanse in case the little dears are interfering with your electricity.

Homeopathic too - I would look at dermal testing by computer (Interro) to make sure you get the specifically correct remedy for your body (as opposed to one size fits all) and also get it in the best, quickest-acting form for you (e.g. 200 instead of 6x, etc). I agree with the EFT (tapping) technique; even if all you are doing is acknowledging the problem to your body it must help, but when you do the affirmations while tapping the meridians it has an astonishing effect.

Gratitude is said to be very healing, along the lines of what Craig said.

My DIL found that St John's Wort made her 'angry'.

Try not to get overtired, too, and try Epsom salt baths where you soak in the water for at least 20 minutes (this for you, too, Craig, for your FM) rather than a quick shower etc. Anything to relax the fibres in your body. Laughing therapy - I have seen films of this but never really tried it, but it looks like good fun, ha ha ha - one bloke was hitting himself with a rubber chicken, and the whole crowd was chortling fit to burst.

Laughter the best medicine, and a calm heart does as a good medicine.

A man in France went to the Dr because of depression, and the Dr. recommended he go to see Coco the clown, and have a good laugh, which would make him feel much better. The man still looked miserable. "I AM Coco the clown," he said.

Oh dear.


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