And you'd better get the articles while you can because Gary Craig is going
to take down the web site come March 1.  He's officially retired as of today
(to focus on other things besides EFT) and the web site goes in one month. 
Or so I read in a newsletter by Carol Look, one of the original EFT


-------Original Message-------
From: Brooks Bradley
Date: 2/1/2010 1:28:17 AM
Subject: CS>My earlier Post on Dr. Patricia Carrington's EFT Choices
    Dear list members,
   My most sincere apologies......I just found out that the
"powers-that-be" have removed  ALL of the U=Tube videos for the 2009
EFT Conference.  It is
almost unbelievable------they were still there day-before-yesterday.
Here is my "fall-back" position.  While the information at this url is
much more limited in scope
and absent the dynamism of Dr. Carrington's personal excellent
delivery......the information should be of positive effect for all
those who read it.
        At risk of tedious redundancy, I repeat......we have achieved
our "very best" results (especially among  those cases of MAJOR
anxiety challenges) through our
implementation of Dr. Carrington's  Choices protocol modification.
                                    Sincerely, Brooks Bradley
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