It is somewhat daunting currently out there in the world of Tapping due to
Gary Craig's recent retirement and the way in which tapping took off around
the world.  There are literally, hundreds, actually, thousands of other
links directing one to Practitioners, various tapping methods, free
tutorials, exercises, videos, YouTube, books, DVD's, conferences, workshops,
articles, websites, etc., it can make your head spin if you are not familiar
with the players, both original and newcomers, let alone for some not even
knowing what EFT or Tapping is!

If you want to find out about Dr. Pat Carrington's 'Choices Method', you can
go directly to her Website. Here's the link.

If you want to discover Traditional EFT (the original) go to and
download the free manual. 
News Bulletin (FYI) - Recently, as of January 15, 2010, Gary Craig, Founder
of EFT, officially retired.  He announced that he is leaving his
website up only until March 1, 2010, delayed from January 2010.  He shocked
the EFT world with several other announcements, one of which was, that while
he considers 'The Choices Method' a form of EFT, it is NOT his Traditional
EFT. He set in place legal protection separating ALL other Tapping
Techniques and Methods outside of EFT which includes the well known and
practiced Choices Method.  This was understandable, unfortunate, and
inevitable the larger and more popular EFT became.

Dr. Carrington is in the midst of establishing an Association called
Meridian Tapping Techniques (MTT) for both professionals and lay persons. 
Other professional tappers are creating their own associations, etc.   So,
ultimately, there will be many associations, etc.  that are going to spring
up all over the world, added to those already in existence.

Gary's reason for retirement and dilemma was set forth in his retirement

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