>Dear Mike,

  > I've  started   wondering...   Your   extreme   sensitivities  are
  > associated with an immune response in some way, right?

  > If that's  so, then could the immune moderating effects  of Cetyl-
  > Myristoleate (CMO) be of possible interest to you? From  what I've
  > read (mostly here on the list) it sort of acts like a reset button
  > on hyper- reactivity associated with many autoimmune diseases.

  > Something that might apply to your situation?

  >Maybe somebody has a copy of some of Brooks' posts on CMO handy, to
  >tide us over 'til you can search the new archives? <grin>

  > Be well!

  > Mike D.

  Hi Mike,

  Thanks for  thinking  about this problem. I do  not  know  where the
  sensitivity comes  from.  But I know mold has  been  around  for 940
  million years, and we have only been around for about 4  million. Se
  we evolved in an environment that contained mold pretty much  in its
  present form.

  The mold  toxins  are  designed to kill  other  molds.  They  can be
  extremely harmful to humans. I read somewhere that a  few micrograms
  of concentrated dose of the toxins will kill a human in less than 24
  hours. The  toxins disappear from the body, so the death  looks like
  it was  from  natural  causes. This apparently  is  used  by certain
  nations to assassinate their enemies.

  We are  only  collateral damage in the biological  warfare  that has
  been going on forever. So we had to develop mechanisms to  deal with
  the toxins, else everyone would have been too sick to hunt or do any
  of the other things we did back then.

  From reading  articles by a professor at the University  of Toronto,
  somehow we  metabolize  the toxins on the spores,  and  probably the
  spores also.  I  don't know where this happens, maybe it  is  in the

  The problem  seems  to be that a high  concentration  of  spores can
  destroy the  cells that metabolize the toxins, so they  are  free to
  roam. They cross the blood-brain barrier and give the  most terrible
  headaches you  can  imagine.  They are  completely  separate  from a
  normal headache.  Aspirin,  Tylenol, Ibuprofen,  and  all  the other
  headache remedies have no effect.

  On occasion,  I  will  have a normal blinding  headache  and  a mold
  headache simultaneously.  I   would   prefer   an  ordinary blinding
  headache over  a mold headache any day. I can  continue  to function
  through a  normal headache, but a mold headache is  debilitating and
  crippling. It will stop you in your tracks. Nothing will relieve the
  pain except to remove the spores from the air.

  When the mechanism that normally handles the spores is  damaged, the
  body has no way to get rid of them except through the skin.  This is
  most unpleasant. I often have to take a shower several times a day.

  So I believe the various remedies that may try to mask  the symptoms
  may not  be any help. The toxins would still be free to  do  all the
  other damage, such as ruin the digestion, cause the skin to crack or
  fall off completely, produce terrible exhaustion and  fatigue, cause
  terrible leg  and  foot  cramps,   ruin  the  thought  processes and
  completely mess  up  your  emotional stability,  and  all  the other
  weird, vague symptoms.

  The huge risk, and the reason I am taking so much of everyone's time
  to read this, is the same thing can happen to anyone.

  Before this happened, I was a normal, vigorous adult going  about my
  business. I  had never experienced any problems with  sensitivity to
  mold. All  it  took  was several  months  living  in  a contaminated
  building, and I lost everything I had built in my life.

  The message is if anyone starts to experience any symptoms  of mold,
  or other weird symptoms that have no apparent cause, check  for mold
  somewhere in the environment.

  Once you start experiencing the symptoms, it is too late. The damage
  is already done, and it is permanent.

  If you  cannot get rid of the mold, complain to the  city  about the
  problem and  find  another place to live that is free  of  mold. But
  make sure that others are not harmed by living in that building.

  Mold is no joke. It will harm you.

  Like Mike D. says, be well.


  Mike M.

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