unfortunately my son has had type I diabetes for 15 years, hopefully this info 
can and will help someone else, Blessings Karen Conrad
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Donna 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2010 11:15 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Diabetes Question

  read these sites:



  There are two substances that have been shown in scientific studies to cure 
type 1 diabetes if it is caught early enough. These two substances are 
niacinamide and vitamin E. Exactly how soon the diabetes has to be caught is 
not known. Generally, 80% of the beta cells are dead before the diabetes is 
caught, so anyone who has been taking insulin for less than about a year should 
try these two substances immediately.

  There were two scientific studies on niacinamide and Type 1 diabetes. In one 
study, 90% of the newly diagnosed diabetic patients were cured of their 
diabetes with niacinamide. In another study, 50% of the newly diagnosed 
diabeted patients were cured of their diabetes with niacinamide. What was the 
difference in the studies? 

  The difference was that the newly diagnosed patients in one study (the 90% 
cure) were not allowed to partake of any dairy products. In the other study the 
patients were allowed to partake of dairy products. 

  The results of these two studies makes it ABSOLUTELY CLEAR that the patient 
must stop taking every possible form of dairy products immediately.
  Read more here


  Donna ACS

    type 1 diabetes