I understand that.  Most people won't touch anything that isn't approved by all 
the TLAs out there:  FDA, AMA, FTC, ...

But if silver were FDA approved, then it could be given the legitimacy of 
advertising, doctor Rx, etc., that the other meds have.  And best of all, we 
would own all the proceeds, not big pharma.  But that would be just icing on 
the cake.

It would require that somebody set up a company to do the work, and that it 
have thousands of investors to fund it.  I would certainly contribute.


From: "martsmai...@aol.com" <martsmai...@aol.com>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Fri, February 5, 2010 10:21:03 PM
Subject: Re: CS>FDA approval

By the time we convince the rest of the world. We will all be dead. How 
many people have you told and they think it is  crazy. I used to tell 
people that were dying of mesothelioma to help improve their immune system. 
Remember these people are dying.  Very few listen...
In a message dated 2/5/2010 6:52:51 P.M. Central Standard Time, 
dickgoodwin2...@yahoo.com writes:
>  has been a LOT of discussion about FDA approvals and what it takes to get 
> them 
>  and how much it costs, etc.
>OK, so?   How many people are 
>  there now who make their own EIS?
>How many people are there in addition 
>  who might want to use it if it were FDA approved?
>  Thousands?  More?
>Individually we do not have the resources of a 
>  large pharmaceutical company, but together, all thousands of us, maybe we 
>  could put together the wherewithall to do the research, conduct the tests, 
> and 
>  perfect a product that could be FDA approved!
>Why not?
>  interest out there, besides me?
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