Very good points, ladies.  The med schools have been skewed since the early
1900's when JD Rockefeller owned most of King Pharma.  He, and Abraham
Fletchner pushed a law through Congress around 1910 that made using foods
and nutrients as "medicines" illegal.  Then with his multi-million dollar
grants to all of the med schools, he "controlled" the curriculum that
doctors studied.  Now, David Rockefeller, his grandson, owns (much in the
shadows) at least 85% of all the pharmaceutical companies.  And the line
goes on and on.
It's my philosophy that one needs to carefully look at their own health
(individualistically) and the health history of their immediate families to
detect any health weaknesses that may afflict them.  At that point, one can
research the possibility of "preventing" that possible affliction with foods
and nutrients.  Herbs and plants could be used, but one needs to carefully
research them prior to use.
I think "prevention" is the main key to good health - aside from eating the
right foods and drinking pure water.  We cannot avoid some of the dangers of
technological advances (or de-vances) and pollution, but we can strengthen
our overall systems to combat them.  It's a big "fight" in remaining
"healthy" in a sick world...


On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 1:03 PM, Annie B Smythe <>wrote:

> I dunno Ode, I don't think most doctors are the good guys. MOST of them
> don't even question the garbage they're taught in medical school. They don't
> look for underlying cause of disease, or learn anything new, or look at the
> newest research. They'll tell you it's all in your head when they have the
> lab work in front of them that tells the story, then they try to fob you off
> by throwing drug cocktails at you, or antidepressants.
> There are a FEW doctors out there, out of the many who do try to learn new
> ways and information, but they ARE few. And I know for a fact the big Pharma
> pays what amounts to bribes, in education grants and research grants, for
> the different medical societies to support their drugs by writing
> prescriptions and squashing any natural substance that might be a better
> solution. Even something as simple as the nutrients in food a scoffed at as
> a way back to health. And doctors are not trained at all in nutrition.
> They're trained to write scripts for conditions.The various medical
> publications censor anything that challenges the status quo.
> Just look at the dust up over Armour vs Synthroid, and that's just ONE
> example. A licensed MD did research on why people were showing signs of
> Hypothyroidism even when the lab tests say they're fine, and got solid data,
> and the Medical Journal he sent it to would not publish it, because they say
> it can't be right, even with hard data from thousands of patients.
> In my opinion the AMA, FDA, and Pharmas need to be sued for collusion until
> they don't have a pot to pee in, as the saying goes. The AMA, and the FDA
> have made the pharmaceutical industry "king" as you say. And anyone who
> threatens their profit will get run over and run out of the medical
> profession on a rail, and probably be discredited and lose their license as
> well.
> Just look what happened to that poor guy who sells Cansema. The FDA lied
> and cheated to illegally have him brought back to the US. That man hasn't
> killed anyone. But medical doctors and FDA approved drugs have, and not one
> of them are in jail for murder. And as far as I'm concerned it IS murder.
> And yes herbs are nothing to play with, they are very powerful, but
> generally speaking safer than the synthetic unnatural chemicals that are man
> made. I believe this to be true because the whole plant has things in it
> that work together. I also believe that there are plants that can cure just
> about anything that ails mankind. Because the plants evolved with us. That's
> why the GMO stuff is so dangerous. Man playing God. Whatever Universal
> Intelligence or God you worship and believe in, mankind thinks they can do
> better than that being. They try to make man made molecules because they
> can't become rich and profit from other's misfortune, so they create a
> chemical disaster. I am sure that yes, doctors and drugs have helped many,
> but they have the blood of many on their hands as well.
> And yeah the pharmaceutical industry bases some of their drugs on plants,
> but they're still an unnatural molecule, and generally based on one chemical
> from a plant, when plants have may chemicals in them. So why would a
> synthetic man made version of what is natural in the plant be better than
> the natural chemical? Just look at Synthroid, it's a mirror of the human
> thyroid hormone, and by mirror I mean it's exactly the same but it's
> backwards. Some people do alright with it, and others it does nothing for at
> all. But they'll tell you it's all in your head if you say it's not doing
> what it's supposed to do. But there have been several lawsuits against the
> manufacturer because it makes people's hair fall out, and in a lot of cases
> it's permanent. There are also other problems with it as well.
> So maybe it makes sense that so many drugs have bad effects. They have to
> twist something that is natural in order to patent it and sell it. And it
> all comes down to money. If it wasn't all about money then the few hundreds
> of people that suffer from the rare diseases would have drugs to help them
> too. The drug companies will straight out say they can't make any money on
> drugs for those people, so nothing is done. And yet the FDA will lynch
> anyone who tries to help them and others who don't want to poisoned.
> Ahhh, the debate can go round and round forever.
> Annie
> Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh
> Ode Coyote wrote:
>> Who made who what "king"?
>>  The "problem" is that people believe that doctors are gods with all the
>> answers and if they get one wrong, because no two people are the same. they
>> can sue them.
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