Thank you Steve:)

Those aren't bad prices at all! Can you share your eBay sources for the Iodine and potassium Iodide, please? I'm leery of buying chemicals on eBay because I don't know their sources. But if you've bought from some eBay sellers and their products of good quality for you, then I'll trust them too, LOL.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Norton, Steve wrote:

Here are some scale sources that are not too expensive.

The Deal Extreme prices include shipping.

You don't have to be too accurate on measuring the liquid. You can use a
soda bottle for measuring or if you want to be more precise;

1 oz = 29.6 ml

1 qt = 0.95 liters

 - Steve N

-----Original Message-----
From: Annie B Smythe [] Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2010 1:16 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Question for the chemistry knowing folks, help please :)

Thank you Steve:)

The problem is that I don't have accurate measuring equipment for grams and milliliters. And buying the equipment would probably negate any savings, unless you know a source for decently priced and accurate measuring equipment? Other than that, I don't have any problems with making my own Lugol's solution:) I have 7 peeps in my family now, and buying the premixed stuff is pricey, but I believe strongly that the Iodide/Iodine blend is important for our health.

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Norton, Steve wrote:
Many sell their own Lugol's type iodine. I think they are all
interchangeable. It is simple to make your own. I make my own using
iodine and potassium iodide I get on eBay. For how much of each, see
formulas at
 - Steve N

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