There's again, telling the truth and providing priceless information, while it's founder, Greg Caton, reportedly languishes in prison in Louisiana, after having been abducted from Equador. Oddly, there's no update on the website, however, though his wife confirms his imprisonment in the USA.

On Wednesday, Feb 10, 2010, at 05:52 Asia/Tokyo, Norton, Steve wrote:

Many sell their own Lugol's type iodine. I think they are all
interchangeable. It is simple to make your own. I make my own using
iodine and potassium iodide I get on eBay. For how much of each, see the
formulas at
 - Steve N

-----Original Message-----
From: Annie B Smythe []
Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2010 12:33 PM
To: CS List
Subject: CS>Question for the chemistry knowing folks, help please :)

Heya my chemistry guys, or gals :)

I really need some help here, pretty please?

Can you look at this and tell me if this is the
same Lugol's solution that is sold as Lugol's 5%
solution to take as a dietary supplement? 52002

Cause if it is, I'm gonna buy this one or the next
size down. It's a lot cheaper than the 2% 2 oz
bottles I've been buying for 10.99 plus shipping,
even with their shipping charge added to the
price. So far as I know if they say it's Lugol's
it is made a certain way. Lugol's is Lugol's? A
certain percentage of potassium iodide, and a
certain percentage of Iodine, and purified water?
is that right? Or it couldn't be labeled as Lugol's?

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

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