I think the trouble is John, that we *are* thinking for ourselves and don't 
happen to agree with you!  We use EIS and many have for years with no ill 
effects AT ALL.  The fact that some have blue moons or whatever is one of those 
things - the majority don't.  Its like the establishment mentality that because 
one child may have died of measles, then we must vaccinate ALL which we know is 
rubbish because most children DONT die of measles.  Those that do have blue 
moons have admitted to taking huge amounts of EIS - far more than most people 
ever would.  I don't think its worth putting people off taking it - and you 
*would* - because of a few which have had slightly negative - but not fatal - 
results.  I certainly wouldn't go making sweeping statements like you did.  dee

On 16 Feb 2010, at 14:40, John E. Stevens wrote:

> Everyone is a know-it-all.  Steve Barrett is no friend of mine!  Don't be 
> careful - just do what you obviously wanna' do...  Use it slip-shod.  doesn't 
> matter to me.  Seems like the gang mentality is back and no one is thinking 
> for themselves.
> John
> On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 1:08 PM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick <d...@deetroy.org> wrote:
> Golly, I can't believe that a person who is supposed to know about CS and is 
> on this list, could actually *say* this!  Sounds like Quackwatch!  dee
> On 15 Feb 2010, at 16:37, John E. Stevens wrote: