Yep yep, that's fine John, if an individual considers a degree of caution is 
prudent, I accept that, each to his/her own of course.


What I DO have difficulty in accepting however are 'blanket statements'.  
Statements made that specify this *will* cause that, or if you do that it 
*will* cause this, without the inclusion of more relevant information.


I accept that consumption of EIS *may* result in intestinal flora die-off...but 
only if I hear it from someone who *HAS* had this experience, then in all 
likelyhood they'll get flooded with questions.  Blanket statements raise many 
questions for me.


And Yes, I know it was only a word of caution and not your intention to put the 
frighteners up people <g>.


I had my own personal experience when first getting into this stuff years ago 
which I *could* state was a case Herx...but *was* it?  Who knows..?  All I can 
*state* is, I was feeling 'decidedly unwell' for a time, and one of my 
daughters *insists* I was yellowish in colour.  One of my kidneys may have 
decided to take the week off at that time for all I know {I do however have my 
own *thoughts* on the matter, but no *proof* as such}.


For every printed article to be found in the public domain stating a 
'pro'...there will *always* be another which states a 'con' {'con' being the 
operative word in some cases if you get my drift}...It's my job to seperate the 
wheat from the chaff from ALL literature available, tuff job, and requires some 
personal convictions or determinations to be made along the way, and sometimes 
that requires me to go against popular opinion and/or some published 
material...but that's life I guess, they hold their belief, I hold mine, a 
healthy balance I think <g>.




Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2010 11:16:47 -0500
Subject: Re: CS>effects of STOPPING EIS?


The statement wasn't meant to "shy folks off" from using CSW.  I've used it for 
over ten years and will continue to do so.  It's just to make folks aware that 
CSW is a natural antibiotic and one must be careful in its use.

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