The best wrong tool we have is a conductivity meter.
It's doesn't actually measure silver, but gets you a pretty good guess and a good guess is all that's needed.

To "actually measure" the silver takes an Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer [ tens of thousands of bucks and an eddication to run it]
 A Hatch Colorometer does a decent job starting at about $5,000


At 06:01 AM 2/22/2010 -0800, you wrote:
So what is the best way of attempting to measure the silver you're producing then? Or is there?

From: Alchemysa <>
Sent: Mon, February 22, 2010 3:43:32 AM
Subject: CS>Confusion Making CS

> From: brf <<>>
> Date: 22 February 2010 9:44:54 AM
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: CS>Confusion Making CS
> Looks like I'm going to have to re-evaluate what I'm doing.
> Thanks for your thoughts & link. I'll try to digest the information.
> By the way, the distilled water when starting measures at 000.

Where are you getting the distilled water from? And note that meters only tell part of the story. They do NOT measure the presence of particles or organic impurities. So as it says below "a cup of distilled water that contains a tablespoon of sugar and finely powdered glass may display a ppm reading of near zero even though its obviously not pure."


Heres some stuff about meters...

Many people think that a PPM meter gives a definitive reading of the purity of water. This is not true. A ppm meter can only detect those dissolved impurities that raise the electrical conductivity of the water. So a meter can only determine the ppm of the dissolved NON-ORGANIC impurities (e.g. dissolved salts) because only these impurities raise the conductivity. It cannot detect the dissolved ORGANIC impurities* that may also be in the water (e.g. sugar or rotted leaf litter). Nor can a ppm meter detect the microscopic solid particles that may be in the water (i.e. the grit). So a cup of distilled water that contains a tablespoon of sugar and finely powdered glass may display a ppm reading of near zero even though its obviously not pure.

So, when using a ppm meter to measure water purity, you have to know if the dissolved organic impurities and the fine particles have been removed along with the salts. The only way to remove all these impurities is with a high quality reverse osmosis/deionisation system or with careful steam distillation.

The shortcomings of meters mentioned here should especially be considered when measuring the purity of rain water. Although the rain water may initially be pure, it can become significantly contaminated by organic impurities in the gutters and the tank. Although these impurities are not detectable by the meter they can have quite a detrimental effect on colloidal silver production.

(* One qualification to the comment above about the 'non conductivity' of organic impurities concerns the presence of acid. Any acid raises the electrical conductivity of water and can induce a completely meaningless reading on a ppm meter. While organic impurities usually do not register on a ppm meter, a few drops of, say, acidic lemon juice in a glass of water will produce readings in the 100's.)

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