The CS I injected was filtered through a fine screen, and was clear to the 
naked eye.  It was made with distilled water.  An injection of 20-30 cc at one 
time was never any problem, other than to the lyme critters.


----- Original Message ----
From: polo <>
Sent: Sun, February 28, 2010 2:23:46 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Injections syringes inhaling

I have one of your CS machines and it seems to produce particulate matter 
floating around. Not sure why and I don't think it is any thing bad or serious 
from an oral standpoint, but I would not want to inject these particulates into 
my bloodstream even if there are larger natural particles in the blood stream. 
I  think a filter is a good idea. Oh, I use pure high quality distilled water 
and still get this stuff forming.

No, I am not very worried about not injecting a physiological saline solution 
at all.  There are far worse things to inject than straight water.


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