Carol, What's "living clay"? Here in Germany, they have something called
"Heilerde", translated: healing soil. Its in a powder form, but I also
bought some already mixed, so its a super thick paste.

I tried washing my hair with it, but I might have put too much in, and
didn't wash it all out. I'm really not good at trying out new things on my
own. Must be from my up-bringing. Anyway, I also have a dog with a skin
disorder of something or other. For the longest time, I thought it might be
mites, or fleas.  Last autumn it was really bad.  The vet said that she is
probably allergic to the saliva of the flea or mite, since we were free of
parasites, but she was still itching and scratching herself. Her skin is
fire red, all over her body. She's a sheltie.

Have you bathed your dog in the clay? I don't know how else I could cover my
dog in this Heilerde I have. Heilerde can also be ingested, so maybe its the
same stuff, just called something else.

I'm glad to hear that your dog is off of steroids and antibiotics. Very
glad! That's usually what the vets come with... that and cortisone. That's
what Sheldon ended up getting last fall. I feel so bad about it, but it
seems that no matter what I try, she still ends up getting this, and now
with Spring soon upon us, she seems to be scratching herself a bit more too
much to my liking.


On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 6:36 PM, carolG <> wrote:

> I know this is CS talk, but in addition since tried on my dog, I am now
> using Living Clay for dog's Lupus RECOVERY.  She's been drinking it for 2
> days, but yesterday made up a body mask for her and left on several hours.
>  Her scabs/yucks under her neck all gone when I washed it off.  Her ecezma
> skin condition looks like it cleared up in a few hours too.  So far we have
> a few red areas from her scratching to deal with but seeing the skin today
> is giving me ALL hope I found the answer to her LUPUS continued recovery
> with skin issues to the max!  She's off all steroids/antibiotics that caused
> the SKIN problems!!!
> Yeah, for sharing and wisdom.  Don't buy anything but Living Clay only!!!
>  Not all created equal. may be on this site so she's there to
> help even via phone.
> Carolg
> *
> *