It is attributed to both him and Thomas Jefferson.


Richard Goodwin wrote:
Was it Benjamin Franklin who said:

“Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.”


----- Original Message ----
From: "" <>
Cc: Annie B Smythe <>
Sent: Wed, March 3, 2010 8:07:03 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Take a stand now and reject Mon San To's GMO drive

I spent 4 years in genetics research at a med school and I agree that GMO 
concerns are valid based on multiple observed issues; my point was that one 
couldn't come to that conclusion simply because they had a negative effect on 

"And it looks to me like that's exactly what these companies are doing and the US 
government and others are skipping down that garden path like a bunch of brainless 

Ironically, it was only a year ago that more government control was all the 
rage - and still is in some quarters.


---- Annie B Smythe <> wrote:
It's not just mice, other animals and even insects have had major problems with GMO crops. Like bees and other beneficial insects. Go to GM Watch website and read the reams of research and studies that have been done.

I've been reading about GMO crops for years and I believe they're dangerous to the entire food chain. Not to mention telling farmers when their crops are contaminated with that junk that they're infringing on patents. The companies that made that junk need to be sued for caontaminating other people's fields. I cannot for the life of me figure out how a judge can expect a farmer to control the GMO junk that gets blown into his fields. It's a miscarriage of justice and allowing companies to own genes and plants like that is dangerous to the food security of the entire world, nit just us. And allowing any company to control food supplies is obscene and a Dictatorship in the making. If you can control food and water you can control whole populations and countries. And it looks to me like that's exactly what these companies are doing and the US government and others are skipping down that garden path like a bunch of brainless robots.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh wrote:
I don't know which statement/question you're referring to, but my point is that 
just because something has a particular effect on mice it's by no means a 
foregone conclusion that it will have the same effect (or any effect) on 
humans.  Cancer has been stopped many times in mice by many substances, but 
very few of them have the same effect in humans.
---- Richard Goodwin <> wrote:
I can't detect any logic in that statement/question...


----- Original Message ----
From: "" <>
Cc: jr orrilia <>
Sent: Wed, March 3, 2010 7:17:41 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Take a stand now and reject Mon San To's GMO drive

"It said that their organs eventually shut down, so, if it does that to mice, it 
will do this to humans also."

So if a substance cures cancer in mice it will do it in humans?

---- jr orrilia <> wrote:
Studies were done on mice that ate GMO foods and died shortly after.  It said 
that their organs eventually shut down, so, if it does that to mice, it will do 
this to humans also.  This would be the perfect plan to make sure humanity 
remains sick and remain a prisoner of the big pharma....orrilia

From: William Corley <>
Sent: Wed, March 3, 2010 2:15:41 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Take a stand now and reject Mon San To's GMO drive

You would do well to become better educated on GMO.

Bill Corley
The only thing more powerful than walking your talk is walking your walk
without having to talk the talk. -- Alan Cohen

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve G [] Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2010 12:05 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Take a stand now and reject Mon San To's GMO drive

I have absolutely no concerns about Genetically modified fruits and
In my mind genetically modified means that there has been an organized
hybridization effort as opposed to the natural course of evolution which
does the same thing, but by accident rather than by design.

Big deal.

--- On Wed, 3/3/10, Sunwaterclear - Sunny <> wrote:

From: Sunwaterclear - Sunny <>
Subject: CS>Take a stand now and reject Mon San To's GMO drive
To: "Silver List" <>
Date: Wednesday, March 3, 2010, 10:02 AM
This is so important that I am reposting it on all the lists I belong to. I
think you all know that I am not a sp mmer.
I know that many of you on this list are very concerned about natural
wellness and this includes the food that you eat. There is an urgent
requirement now to stand up and speak out about GMO.

I just submitted my comments to the USDA telling them to protect the
integrity of organics by not approving the use of genetically-modified (GMO)
The USDA has alarmingly and mistakenly announced that they do not believe
that consumers care whether or not GMO's are a part of our food supply and
our agricultural production. Approving GMO alfalfa would significantly harm
the integrity of and access to organic food, as well as the livelihoods of
organic farmers. We need to show them that we do indeed care!
Please take a moment to submit your comments to the USDA by following this
link from Food Democracy Now! Then please pass this on. Every voice counts!

Thanks!  And please, please, forward this to everyone you know....
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