So Not Man owns 90% of all seed genes.  Some of them are engineered to be 
sterile, so you have to buy and buy. BTW Monsanto created DDT, Agent Orange and 
Aspartame.  Do you want such people in charge of what you eat?

Seeds guaranteed non GMO and un So Not Man tainted.  Deadline for orders March 
10  If you are planting and haven't bought seeds yet, these are 
the people to buy from!  No affiliations - wish there were!  

with love and hope
A peek into our world.. 
Feed the Future - Forest gardens - Sustainable Lifetime Food for All

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human consciousness WHAT has to happen for us to evolve and emerge? 

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nuclear, natural building v concrete, consciousness v asleep  Info on what's 
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From: Golden Aldi <>
Sent: Thu, March 4, 2010 2:23:52 PM
Subject: Re: CS>GMO foods


It's not GMO involvement, that kills, but Monsanto's pesticides... its on the 
plant, in the soil and IN the plant.

Who owns ScienceDaily, anyway.


On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 4:11 AM, Steve G <> wrote:

There are two main theories about the bee population problem.
>One is a nasty parasite - read about promising developments at this site - 
>There is also a theory that certain pesticides interfere with the honeybees' 
>ability to find their way home.   Having some trouble finding a site for that.
>No evidence of GMO involvement.
>--- On Wed, 3/3/10, <> wrote:
>>From: <>
>>Subject: CS>GMO foods 
>>Date: Wednesday, March 3, 2010, 9:50 PM 
>>Makes me wonder if the GMO food is what has affected the bee population?
>>Something to look into, if it's truly affecting mice and pigs this way.