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At 03:08 PM 3/4/2010 -0500, you wrote:
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

I do not need that much at one time, if I did I could put units together for
Than $5 each. They would be with a current control, I have dozens of cheap
power supplies
Around. All you need beside a power supply (free) is clips a current limiter
A  set of clips (1$) only expensive things are the silver.
I have 2 colloidal masters and 2 stirrers. I have one of the portable CS
makers that uses
A single 9 volt battery. I have made several units with current controls.
I bought 10 or so silver eagle coins and have several feet of silver wire to
hang coins.
I tried to find out how I could buy the coins direct in Canada but no luck.
I go to Canada fishing usually several time a Summer if I found a place to
buy the silver coins cheaper.
The coins I bought are from E Bay.
I live across the border in suburbs of Detroit, Mi.
Thanks for the advice though.



You really make me wanna buy one of them SG7s...


On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 4:43 PM, Bob Banever <> wrote:


           Rest assured you've bought a great unit.  I have their SG7 Pro
model that makes 5 gallons at a time (in about 2 - 3 hours).  Your unit will
take longer but will make excellent crystal clear ionic/colloidal silver.
It's very easy to use and shuts off automatically when the solutiion is


                ----- Original Message -----
                From: Ed Nelson <>
                Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2010 3:17 PM
                Subject: CS>Introduction


                My name is Ed and I'm new to this group.
                I have been interested in and used as needed ionic/colloidal
silver for about six years now.
                It has been very effective for me especially in early stages
of colds and flu. This has been
                a tough winter so far and I have spent about $180 for 64 oz
of Earthborn Colloidal Silver. (16, 16, and 32)
                In order to save money I have decided to start making my own
and just purchased a unit from SilverGen.
                I haven't recieved it yet but I'll look forward to any
constructive words of wisdom.
                Best of health to all of you!  Ed

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

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