Carol, so far I feel what I am feeding my pup (diatemaceous, CS, Clarkia and 
grain free food) is of benefit to her.  Just want to make sure I have all basis 
covered. There is so much fear out there concerning what happens when pets are 
not vaccinated and I sometimes get caught up in the fear. I also plan on 
introducing her to clay water this week.  I totally relate to you on the 
alternative methods used for your dog. Thanks again Orrilia 

From: carolG <>
Sent: Sat, March 6, 2010 12:07:00 AM
Subject: Re: CS> CLAY used for Lupus recovering Dog--Wow so far!!

I have lots of vets here and I don't do worming, parvo, vaccinations...I prefer 
keep it simple.....never a grain for this dog either 
here...she's 10....


From: jr orrilia <>
Sent: Fri, March 5, 2010 4:10:53 PM
Subject: Re: CS> CLAY used for Lupus recovering Dog--Wow so far!!

Hi Aldi.  Thanks for sharing this information.  My new pup is 7 weeks old and I 
have been giving her Clarkia and diatomaceous to deworm her and plan on not 
having her vaccinated.  She is also no CS and a duck/chicken grain free dog 
food and considering raw in the near future. There is no holistic vet in my 
area so I am on my own.  My concern was parvo and heartworm. Do you know of 
anything alternative to vaccines or what I could give her to protect her from 
the parvo or heartworm.  Many thanks Orrilia

From: Golden Aldi <>
Sent: Fri, March 5, 2010 4:03:10 PM
Subject: Re: CS> CLAY used for Lupus recovering Dog--Wow so far!!

I also feed our dogs raw foods, and only on occasion, a bowl of "high" quality 
kibble. Its a salmon and rice kibble from Skinners, but that's like 2-4 times a 
When was the last time your dog got a shot? I stopped giving them to my dogs, 
and will be breeding without using any kind of chemicals. My dogs won't have 
papers, but they will be healthier than the ones that are mandatory vaccinated, 
dewormed, and whatever.

You should try feeding her the fish raw, since cooking literally kills enzymes 
and minerals. It does make a difference, raw and cooked. Check out 
Billingshurst, Ian. He's a vet from Australia and has written some great books 
on feeding raw. But even with a raw diet, my Sheltie still has this problem, 
but I have to say, she is also 10 yrs. old, and has had her share of vaccines 
before I woke up to what was going on. Her immune system, as well as her 
endocrine system has been compromised, and now we have to suffer the 
consequences, as we both suffer in the end.

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