Beyond A Century has it, and I think it was Steve that found it even cheaper on a wine making site, or similar:)

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh wrote:
Hi Annie (or anyone else who knows),

Here's the question- Where do you get your Potassium Bicarbonate? Thanks in advance :-). An interesting addendum to the Potassium discussion- when I was younger (~30 years ago or so), I could not take Potassium. The 3 or so times I tried, it made me very sick and nauseous. I had thought it would be a good thing, but at that time I guess it wasn't. From what I know now, I probably was not able to find the right form in which to ingest it, as at the time, some things were hard to find. Anyone who took vitamins at that time was still labelled a "health food freak". Ha. Nowadays, Potassium is one of the things which helps me most, along with Magnesium. I'm still looking for the rest of whatever will help, but Potassium was instrumental in stopping my feet (Left foot, the two outside small toes) from burning so badly it kept me awake at night and often made it hard to walk. I figured it out from taking Emergen-C (One of the versions of it used to have higher Potassium than the others). It stopped that burning, and was the only thing that did. Stay well, Linda

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