So it's fructose that's the shouldn't eat fruit or you'll get fat.
..or is it just plain too much sugar of all sorts?
..or something else that's unique to the individual and just not simple.

My blood sugar has been high all my scrawny life and I wasn't raised with any sweets at all. Every time it gets tested, the doc scratches his head and sends me out the door with instructions to fast for a day and come back. I come back and he scratches his head again, checks blood flow to my feet, calls it exceptionally great and sends me away without further comment. In 50 years NO ONE has ever bothered to tell me what the heck they see. [ I only assume it was unchanged after fasting and nothing like what they expected to see. ] From personal observation of energy levels, I don't start losing energy till about the 2nd day of not eating anything, nor have I ever felt a "sugar rush"

Odd Ball?  No surprise there.


At 11:01 AM 3/12/2010 -0500, you wrote:
The question is does it contain corn syrup which is nearly 100% glucose and great energy food for the body when expending a lot of energy since glucose is what the body burns, or high fructose corn syrup which is nearly 100% fructose and is converted by the liver into fat which is stored, causing the body to produce more insulin because it expects at least some glucose with the sweet taste, and thus makes you hungry leading to obesity both ways. It is implicated in much of the obesity of Americans, or any culture where they drink lots of soft drinks.


Ode Coyote wrote:

 What's wrong with Glucose? [Can't live without it ]
 Skip a few Snickers and you'll be fine.


At 02:51 PM 3/11/2010 -0600, you wrote:
I wouldn't touch gatorade. Have you checked the ingredients? Yes, you'd get potassium, but also lots of things you probably aren't wanting, including sugar/corn syrup. Sara

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