Hi All!

I made my first batch and wonder if it's Ok. I used distilled water in
glass jars. For silver, I had one ounce of .999 silver split down the
middle into two pieces, hooked up to a DC power supply at 27 volts. I
ran the setup for 45 minutes and took measurements of voltage and
current as well as TDS measurements every 5 minutes. Each run was a
virtual clone of the other. TDS was about 25, current rose gradually
throughout both runs in a steady manner from 0.7 ma at the outset to
finish at around 5.4 ma. There were strands visible coming from the
positive electrode after about 15 minutes in each run, and at the end
there was some slight amount of black residue in the bottom of the
jar. The final product was a slightly yellowish liquid that turned the
color of tea after several hours. The darkness of the product
surprised me. I checked the Tyndall with a laser pen and found I could
easily see the beam after about 25 minutes.

The only pressing question is if this dark color change is normal, and
what is causing it? Did I let it run too long?

Thanks for your opinions in advance!


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