>To: silver-list@eskimo.com
>Subject: Re: CS>First Batch
>From: "M. G. Devour" <mdev...@mail.id.net>
>Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 10:44:04 +0000
>Jim wrote:
>> I made my first batch and wonder if it's Ok. I used distilled water
>> in glass jars. For silver, I had one ounce of .999 silver split down
>> the middle into two pieces, hooked up to a DC power supply at 27
>> volts.
>It sounds like you're doing great, Jim!
>How are you holding the silver in the water? I hope that only the 
>silver is in contact with the water, otherwise you're making 
>colloidal <other stuff>! Besides that, I think your setup and 
>procedure sounds fine.

I used alligator clips to hold the silver pieces to the lip of the
jar, but they were half an inch above the water level.

>> There were strands visible coming from the positive electrode after
>> about 15 minutes in each run, and at the end there was some slight
>> amount of black residue in the bottom of the jar. 
>Do you wipe off the electrodes when you take them out?

No. I don't know what to do, if anything, with the black residue.

>It's easy to shake stuff off the electrodes when you remove them to 
>stir and make your measurements, so that can account for a little 
>fallout in the bottom. Also, there sometimes is some part of what's 
>coming off the positive electrode that tends to sink and plate out on 
>the bottom of the glass.
>> The only pressing question is if this dark color change is normal,
>> and what is causing it? Did I let it run too long?
>You're probably just fine. 
>As a wild-assed guess, I'd bet your actual ppm reading will end up
>maybe 15-20. I think you are reaping the benefits of large surface 
>area electrodes. Your setup can absorb a fairly large current flow 
>without making the really big particles. 
>Let me know if you see any additional fallout after the first day.
>Keep a sample to see if it's still clear with the bottom of the
>bottle clean after a couple of weeks in a quiet place. Then you'll 

The jars have been sitting in a quiet place for a couple weeks now and
there is no additional residue in the bottom of the jars. I still
can't get over how dark the silver is....looks like jars of apple
cider vinegar, while right after making it the color was like a very
slight straw colored water.

>know if you've got a reasonably stable conconction with adequately 
>small particle size.
>We see the initial color change during the first half day or so as
>the particles get settled in their new home. <grin> I suspect a bit
>of clumping and moving around for a uniform distribution is going on.
>There might be some chemical changes happening at the surface of the
>silver particles, too, but in the long run things become quite
>stable and the stuff seems to work just fine.
>Good going! The more you make, the more you'll get the hang of it. 
>Let us know how it works for you!

Thanks for your encouragement!


>Be well,
>Mike D.

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