I'm sorry you are having this problem.  I have seen asthma respond well to 
acupuncture, energy work for emotions and there is something called Buteyko 
Breathing Exercises.  You can teach it to yourself.  A friend of mine did this 
and cured herself of asthma and allergies.  Like any process, it works if you 
work it.  You can google Buteyko Breathing Exercises and do some research.  

Good luck,
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Kathy Tankersley 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, March 29, 2010 12:01 PM
  Subject: CS>asthma

  I am at my wits end with this asthma, I just got out of the hospital after 
receiving massive doses of steroids, high powered anti-botics.  There is got to 
be a better way:  Is there anyone on the list that has 'lived' thur ths and had 
any progress with CS or any other herb, etc.?  I am ready to drink poison if it 
would help. If you have had any experience with what I am describing, please 
help.  Thanks, Kathy

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