Also of note I understand that the Rockefellers helped to establish the ADA and 
AMA and elevated it to the point where the government actually bases many laws 
on their suggestions. They also lobby to keep the powers which they have as a 
labor organization representing and monitoring themselves by law. Much of their 
powers were given due to the fact that the Rockefellers paid so much money to 
get these privileges.  M  
  Original Message ----- 
  From: Marlene Hanson<> 
  Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2010 7:02 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>A whistleblower claims ,the drug industry wants to keep us 

  From what I have read in books and on the internet about the time when the 
Rockefellers started limiting the universities which could teach medicine. They 
also established criteria for medical students to be chosen by. They should not 
question or make decisions. They were tested and only those who would follow 
the path and rules laid out for them would be admitted to medical school. 

  The thinkers and decision makers were relegated to research and they were 
controlled by direct grants of money for studies which would help the Drug 
manufacturers. Rockefeller gave large grants for the Universities which would 
develop medicines based on the waste from his oil refineries. 

  Much of this information came from a book I can't even find and have 
forgotten the full name, I think the title is Healthology your key to health.  
It made since to me. Rockefeller the oil magnet was the son of  the Rockefeller 
who sold petroleum oil as a cure all or Nostrum. It was sold by hawkers on the 
streets and by mail. it does make sense to me. Marlene  
    ----- Original Message ----- '
    From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick<> 
    Sent: Friday, April 09, 2010 6:50 AM
    Subject: Re: CS>A whistleblower claims ,the drug industry wants to keep us 

    Actually, I think I would agree Annie (being less charitable as well <lol>) 

    On 8 Apr 2010, at 20:06, Annie B Smythe wrote:

    > I'm a little less charitable. I believe for most it's just plain 
laziness. They don't want to put in the effort it takes to LEARN what they need 
to know, to take intelligent informed action, unless their comfortable little 
world, provided to keep them content, is upset (and usually by then it's too 
late). They actually prefer to let others make decisions for them and tell them 
what to do instead of using the minds they have to winnow out the lies and BS. 
That's why we call them sheople. A herd blindly following ill chosen shepherds. 
And this occurs in every area; economic, health, education, religion, and etc.
    > Annie
    > Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh
    > Richard Goodwin wrote:

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