I'm a little less charitable. I believe for most it's just plain laziness. They don't want to put in the effort it takes to LEARN what they need to know, to take intelligent informed action, unless their comfortable little world, provided to keep them content, is upset (and usually by then it's too late). They actually prefer to let others make decisions for them and tell them what to do instead of using the minds they have to winnow out the lies and BS. That's why we call them sheople. A herd blindly following ill chosen shepherds. And this occurs in every area; economic, health, education, religion, and etc.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Richard Goodwin wrote:
You are right.  There is something about most people that makes us want to be taken care of -- 
perhaps it's a desire to return to the warm loving safety and security of our childhood in our 
parents' arms, if we had that, so we never stop looking for new "parents" long after we 
are all grown up.  Whatever it is, it causes us to give our trust to anyone who professes to know 
more about something than we do, and to be willing to "take care" of us -- teachers, 
doctors, religious leaders, political leaders, etc.  Instead of seeing those people as servants or 
hired help, which they actually are, we prefer to idolize them and subjugate ourselves to their 
opinions and their wills.  And of course any time you give your freedom to someone, they will 
certainly use it, not for your good, but for their own benefit.

But that's why we're all here -- to learn how to help ourselves using, among 
other things, Colloidal Silver.


----- Original Message ----
From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick <d...@deetroy.org>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Thu, April 8, 2010 8:26:35 AM
Subject: Re: CS>A whistleblower claims ,the drug industry wants to keep us 

The trouble is Dick, then they say you are just lucky!  I know, I meet it all 
the time.  I cure my dog myself even with things like abscesses etc., but 
friends still trot off to the vets - 'just in case!'  dee

On 8 Apr 2010, at 01:24, Richard Goodwin wrote:

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