Don't worry Dee
Vit A is toxic too and Selenium has been used to kill more than one spouse...but you can't live without em.

Dis-information or mis-information [depending on intent] isn't the sole property of the mainstream.

Even if true, organic cattle isn't all you eat and a rabbit or some duck milk cheese will make up the difference.


If life ain't a regular crap need more fiber.
 [Does getting ones leg pulled constitute exercise?]

At 01:45 PM 4/21/2010 +0100, you wrote:
I can't afford to eat organic meat quite honestly--it costs a fortune here in the uK - so does veg. Whats this about Vit D? I buy Vit D3 as a supplement--are you telling me its poisonous? I cannot believe people like Mercola would be interested in killing people off--the Government maybe! Have you got the research to hand about Vit D as I would be interested to see it. Thanks. dee

On 20 Apr 2010, at 21:41, bodhisattva wrote:

> Sadly, much of what you will find out there mainstream, is disinformation. Seek the truth within, and you will be guided to external events that give you the truth you sought. That's been my experience.
> I knew the entire anti-butter/egg movement was garbage, those are super foods. In fact Dr. Weston Price found K2 before it was known as K2 (He called it X-Factor) and a major source of this was butter and eggs, but sourced from things fed greens, not grains. Did you hear that? A cow fed grains doesn't have the ingredients essential for good life, either for it, or us. So if you eat meat, only eat organic grass fed meat, Ok? But this doesn't take science to tell us, it's really common sense. If you start to get a holistic view of nature, and life, then the truth will become self evident to you, and violations of natural law will be revealed to be one of the trademarks of our nasty situation we're in. Planet wide, and personally.

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