The real conspiracy is to turn us all into sleepy girls.

But we remain unconvinced that transgenic soybeans are strictly equivalent to conventional ones. For one, the amino acid composition of engineered soybeans is likely to differ. Here's why. To create Roundup Ready" soybeans, Monsanto's genetic engineers boost the activity of a gene which makes critical amino acids like **trytophan** [The thanksgiving turkey sleepy drug]. The fact that these amino acids are in greater abundance inside plant cells not only confers resistance to RoundupĀ® herbicide, but likely shifts plant metabolism as well. One of the main biosynthetic products of soybean metabolism is a class of compounds called isoflavonoids.

These plant substances, because they have a remarkable similarity to our body's own estrogens, are called phytoestrogens. Estrogenic substances play critical roles in controlling sexual differentiation. Hence, it is essential to know how much or little phytoestrogen is present in soy products. A recent non-industry research team headed by Dr. H. Sandermann and working in Germany found data that suggests Roundup Ready" soybeans may have elevated phytoestrogens. These researchers discovered that glyphosate treatment of legumes (fava beans in this case) like soybeans increases the level of plant estrogens. If confirmed, this study provides disturbing evidence that transgenic crops are not only different, but may well have a dramatic impact on the health and well-being of those who rely on soy protein as a major part of their diet. While increased amounts of phytoestrogens in adult diets may protect against certain malignancies or provide other benefits, equally benevolent effects are unlikely if such estrogenic substances enter the diet of newborns.

 Soy beans already have Phytoestrogens in them.....MORE?

..I like girls just fine, sleepy or not and half of us say it ain't so bad to be one.
......just so long as they don't look like soy bean gobbling female turkeys.
[er, no thanx given there ]


At 03:05 PM 5/2/2010 -0400, you wrote:
They already own the patent on every soybean in the world! GM is "Roundup Ready" this means they can spray Roundup on soybean crops and only the weeds will be killed. How much Roundup are we getting with soymilk, beans, etc???

On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 2:02 PM, Bob Banever <<>> wrote:

Monsanto is THE most evil company on the planet. They are tryoing to poison the entire human population with their GM foods. They are a bunch of nazis, nothing more and nothing less.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Annie B Smythe" <<>>
To: "CS List" <<>>
Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2010 9:55 AM
Subject: CS>Meat claimed as invention by Monsanto

Meat claimed as invention by Monsanto


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